Tuesday 14 July 2015

I watched 16 movies in June. Here's the first batch:
103. (850.) The Horse Soldiers (1959)
Union cavalryman John Wayne rampages through the South on a desperate secret mission. Even playing a Damn Yankee in an otherwise mediocre John Huston movie, Wayne is very entertaining.
104. (851.) The Enemy Below (1957)
Robert Mitchum engages in World War II submarine warfare against sympathetic Nazis! Good movie.
105. (852.) The Cat O'Nine Tails (1971)
There's an intriguing mystery story at the heart of this Italian horror/thriller "starring" Karl Malden. Too bad the finished product is little better than a cheap, dull exploitation film.
106. (853.) The Hanging Tree (1959)
You probably wouldn't guess it from the title, but this film is fundamentally a Gary Cooper romance/western. Why did Cooper always end up with women a quarter of his age in movies? It's creepy.
107. (854.) Miami Connection (1987)
A rock band of tae kwon do masters fight a street gang of drug-dealing ninjas in Florida. If that sentence doesn't make you want to go see this film RIGHT NOW, there's something wrong with you.
More to come.
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