Friday 18 February 2022

Today's movie reviews bring me up to date with what I've seen so far this year. I could blame my recent dearth of movies watched in the past two weeks on the Olympics, but workload and Henry have played their parts as well. Oh, well. I'll just have to try harder to have free time in front of the idiot box.
14/2023. The People vs. Dr. Kildare (1941)
I'm not a doctor, but I'm pretty sure this isn't how medicine works. And I'm no lawyer, and I *know* this isn't how law works. Still, it made for an enjoyable melodrama.
15/2024. Mary Stevens, M.D. (1933)
Maybe I'm just a sucker for medical melodramas, but I thought this one was also pretty entertaining. You can tell it's pre-Hays Code when they openly discuss the possibility of Dr. Stevens having an abortion.
16/2025. Mon Oncle (1958)
I don't think I like Jacques Tati's clever takedown of mid-20th century consumer culture more than I like misadventures of Mr. Hulot's Holiday, but I like that I have to think about that. They really are both great films.
17/2026. That Uncertain Feeling (1941)
This is a screwball sex comedy in which Merle Oberon leaves her successful, loyal husband for Burgess Meredith's self-proclaimed asshole. (I did say it was a screwball, right?) The premise should be really irritating, but the talented cast almost manages to pull it off.
18/2027. Silver Streak (1976)
You know, I thought this would be more of a straight comedy than an adventure thriller, but it's surprises like that that make movies worth watching. Wilder and Pryor had some great chemistry.
19/2028. Treasure Island (1934)
Pirates, treasure, murders, parrots, ghosts... there's a reason this is a classic. For some reason, I had it in my head that Captain Flint and Long John Silver were the same character. I must be misremembering my Classics Illustrated comic books.
More to come.
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