Saturday 25 March 2017

Five movies watched in March:
30. (1089.) Creed (2015)
This is a fine movie for a Rocky film. I mean, it is a Rocky film, so there's not much in the way of suspense. (I laughed and sang "Montage" from Team America: World Police during the obligatory training montage scenes.) But if you like Rocky films — and who doesn't? — this definitely is one.
31. (1090.) The Lego Batman Movie (2017)
Ah ha! So they can make a fun, lighthearted Batman film. This movie is a tribute to all levels of Batman fandom. It's not perfect (pacing is an issue as the movie reaches its inevitable it's-all-about-the-Bat-family climax (which, let me say, is something that the DC Comics haven't understood for years), but it is plenty good enough. Recommended.
32. (1091.) Terminal Island (1973)
Not that I need an excuse to watch a 1970s exploitation film, but I watched this specifically because TCM advertised it featured Tom Selleck. While "feature" might be overselling it, Selleck is present and does play an important, if smallish, role. This wasn't a complete waste of time.
33. (1092.) Unbroken (2014)
While I certainly don't want to belittle the accomplishments of the protagonist, I found the execution to be a little too dry to be all that engaging. The dryness is common in films written by the Coen brothers, as this one was, though when they direct their own work they are generally able to inject a bit of wry irony that probably wouldn't have been appropriate here. I guess my takeaway here is that not every subject is right for every writer.
34. (1093.) Madea Goes to Jail (2009)
This is the first Medea film I'd seen, and I have to say, "I get it." (Not every movie has to be a grab for Oscar.) The character is the life of this picture, and every moment she's on the screen is enjoyable. Too bad that Medea plays a subplot in her own movie. The main story, a successful lawyer dealing with a mistake of his past, is a dull waste of cinema. However, I do now look forward to seeing some more Medea movies.
More to come.
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