Saturday 16 May 2015

More April movies (part 2/3):
75. (822.) The Young Lions (1958)
I'd heard a lot of talk about this movie but wasn't really impressed. Its anthology approach to three men who hate war and the women who loved them felt like it should have been two or three separate movies. I've mentioned before my dislike of Brando. He's passable here as he oversells "the sympathetic Nazi," but he probably looks better in comparison to Dean Martin's coward and Montgomery Clift's imbecile.
76. (823.) Scaramouche (1952)
This movie was recommended to me in 1996 while I was working in a Cole's bookstore in Market Square Mall in Decatur, GA. The older gentlemen (who regularly bought books on World War II era aircraft and 18th century ships) was certain i'd like it. He was right. Lots of fun in this swashbuckler. He also recommended the works of C.S. Forester. I should probably get around to reading those.
77. (824.) Road to Perdition (2002)
Wow. Tom Hanks is the perfect actor to make a prohibition gangster a relatable parent. Despite its predictable outcome, this film was an enjoyable visual treat. Recommended, so long as you have a stomach for gory crime films.
78. (825.) Let Me In (2010)
This is the American remake of a 2008 Swedish film. If Girl with the Dragon Tatoo is an example, the original is probably better by not shying away from the darker parts of the story. But this wasn't terrible. More style than substance, but I think that's generally the point with vampire movies (and probably the horror genre as a whole).
79. (826.) The Knack ... and How to Get It (1965)
This seems like a movie (based on a play) written by pretentious College freshmen. An hour and a half exploring love/sex/community/gender relations? I'm 100% sure that I would have eaten this up in high school. Now it just feels immature.
80. (827.) Island in the Sky (1938)
A double feature crime/mystery in the standard RKO formula. A good waste of time.
81. (828.) Baby Face (1933)
Barbara Stanwyck does everything we men think that women do to take advantage of us. Of course, that is until she falls in love despite herself. Heh. I liked it, but I would have liked it better if the suicide at the climax had stuck.
82. (829.) An Act of Murder (1948)
Wow. The people making this could not have had any less respect for women. A judge discovers that his wife is dying of a terminal disease then doesn't tell her because it would just upset her pretty little head. So when things get bad, he decides to murder her instead of letting her die of the disease. The worst part is, we're supposed to sympathize with the anguished judge, not the dying wife married to someone who treats her like a pet goldfish. Just wow.
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