Showing 1 - 2 of 2 posts found matching keyword: smokey bear

One piece at a time

Wait just a damn second. Smokey is no father! So whose naked children is he happily spying on in this "officially licensed" scene? Is this a PSA for forest fires or stranger danger?

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Smokey Bear turned 80 on August 9. That was during the Olympics (when I had Izzy out front), so it took me a little extra time to get this big boy to the street.

According to Wikipedia, the average lifespan of an American black bear in the wild is 18 years. Obviously, the difference is the pants.

Obviously, I cannot take credit for that design, just the painting. (I'm pretty confident that the original line art was by Rudolph Wendelin.) I didn't even take any liberties with the colors, as the U.S. Forest And Service has very strict Smokey Bear Guidelines: "Smokey always appears only with his traditional blue jeans, belt, buckle, and 'campaign' hat. Optionally, he carries a shovel."

I'm not interested in running afoul of the USFS, no sir. They employ bears.

That bit of fluffy white you see at the bottom of the image isn't fire-fighting foam: it's Henry the Poodle, who refused to get out of the frame. Oh, Henry.

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To be continued...


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