Showing 1 - 1 of 1 post found matching keyword: scott mccreery
Saturday 20 August 2011

Fox Television hasn't wasted any time advertising their next Big Thing: Simon Cowell, Paula Abdul, and some guy who looks like Randy Jackson on The X Factor (sponsored by a soft drink that wants to be Coca-Cola). After 10 years of ignoring American Idol, I am perfectly prepared to ignore The X Factor off the air.
Are the winners of X Factor prepared to enter the cultural oblivion enjoyed by past winners of American Idol? True story: I mentioned to my mother that I read that Scott McCreery was preparing to release an album. My mother immediately asked me who I was talking about. Mom, who watched every week of American Idol last year and at one point had me log in to to vote for Scotty, had already forgotten who the hell he was. I begin to suspect that this will be the only blog post to ever mention Scott McCreery.
Maybe I'm the aberration. Maybe America really can't get enough of variety show competitions or Simon Cowell's chest hair. Maybe Fox can fill every hour of its broadcast day with unpaid child labor singing "classic" pop hits of the Baby Boomer generation. And maybe, just maybe, I'm too old for this shit.
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