Showing 1 - 1 of 1 post found matching keyword: milk
Thursday 23 January 2014

The local newspaper reports that the Georgia House of Representatives is considering a bill to legalize unpasteurized "raw milk." According to State Representative David Stover:
"In a lot of ways, it is a liberty and freedom bill. It is your freedom to consume what you want to consume.
I'm with Stover. How dare the FDA tell me what's harmful to put in my body? I'm finally going to start drinking gasoline, just like I always wanted. What the hell does some college-educated doctor know, anyway? Keep your laws off my body, mandatory fluoridation: I'm drinking what I want!
Hey, if the state wants to let me decide whether it is safe to ride in a car without a seat belt, fire my gun at birds in my suburban neighborhood, or smoke crystal meth for breakfast, who am I to refuse? Just because the consumption of unpasteurized milk has sickened thousands in the past decade in America alone is no reason for the government to ban the practice. If those people want to get sick, I say let 'em!
But that's not all Stover has to say to the Newnan Times-Herald:
He said he is not a milk drinker, but he is "a person who believes in organic foods and natural foods. That is just where I stand. I feel it is healthier for you."
What a nice guy. Russian roulette isn't his thing, but it's your right to play, he says. I'm sure that message will look great on his re-election banners. Raw milk: not good enough for David Stover, but just fine for you.
That's the America I live in. Land of the free and home of the criminally stupid.
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