Showing 1 - 10 of 47 posts found matching keyword: games
Thursday 2 January 2025

Guess who the artist and graphic designer is on the latest Mythica Gaming product?
Hint: it's me.
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Sunday 26 May 2024

The New York Times has an algorithm, they call it WordleBot, that can tell you how well you're playing Wordle. WordleBot almost always tells me that my guesses are skillful but unlucky. And today, it told me I was even worse than that:
Wordle #1072 (May 26, 2024)
For the record, the word was "bevel."
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Friday 22 March 2024

Wordle #1006 (March 21, 2024)
For the record, "shale" would have been my next guess, and it would have been wrong, too. Turns out there are seven common English words matching the pattern of "sha?e". Seven.
My first reaction was to yell "Fuck you, Wordle." But after having... many hours to cool down, I have to admit that "shade" is a perfectly cromulent word. I'm sure it's very popular.
Would I have preferred a word that was actually guessable in the allotted 6 chances? Sure. If you wanted me to lose, Wordle, you could have just told me instead of making me play your dumb guessing game!
But hey, I'm over it now.
Good game, Wordle. You got me. Ha, ha. What a good time we're all having.
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Saturday 18 March 2023

Quig stepped over the corpse of the boarding craft captain as he made his way to the craft's command console. The boarding craft had pierced the hull of the Chutoi's storage bay, and only its specialized atmospheric shield projectors were keeping everyone from being blown out into the vacuum of space. Quig admired its control panel; it was an impressive bit of engineering.
"They put up less of a fight than I expected," said Striker One from the storage bay as he wiped the blood from his hands with a tunic he had torn off one of the dead slavers.
"That's because they keep underestimating us," said Sahara.
"I don't know about that," said Cobryn. The pilot leaned against the bulkhead as he held an emergency medpack against the laser wound in his thigh. "They estimated where I was pretty accurately."
"You know what I mean."
Striker One said, "Just because we beat one boarding party doesn't mean we're safe yet. Or have you forgotten that our engine is dead, our life support is failing, and there are still two warships out there filled with slavers and gun runners who hate us?"
"I haven't forgotten."
"Then what's our next move?"
Sahara shrugged. "I'm open to suggestions."
"I have one," Quig called back to his comrades. "Piercing our hull didn't damage this boarding craft at all. It looks like we could use it to return to its mother ship."
Cobryn didn't look pleased. "Are you crazy? The Fenris is full of slavers!"
"Exactly. They're slavers. They're expecting their craft back with slaves in it," said Quig. "Only, if we're not slaves, we'd have the element of surprise in an ambush."
"I like it," said Sahara. "Let's take the fight to them."
Striker One asked, "What about Bronson? He's still on the Fenris. Do we think we can overpower him?"
Quig smiled. "I have a plan for that. You see, according to the craft's log, this is just one type of boarding craft the Fenris carries."
He turned on the boarding craft's tight-beam communication array. "Boarding craft Hound's Tooth calling Fenris. We could use some help here. Can you send Bronson over?"
"I don't think that is wise," said Striker One.
The radio crackled to life. "I was hoping you'd ask. I'm on my way, Hound's Tooth."
"You are crazy," said Cobryn.
Quig snapped the radio off. "The Fenris's other boarding pods are one-way trips. Bronson will be expecting to fly back in this." He hopped off the pilot's seat. "If you can manage to fly this thing with one leg, Cobryn, I suggest you get ready. We're not going to have a lot of time after I start the overload on the Chutoi's power core."
"I think Quig is my kind of crazy," said Sahara as she and Striker One began helping Cobryn into the boarding craft.
It was almost a shame to blow up such a nice ship, Quig considered as he hustled down the corridor to the Chutoi engine room. But all things came to an end. So long as it wasn't his end, Quig could live with that.
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Sunday 26 February 2023

Cobryn knew he was a great pilot. All pilots thought that of themselves, of course, but Cobryn knew that he really was. He could have flown for one of the galaxy-wide conglomerates if not for all the red tape that came with those types of jobs. Filing debriefs and sitting through human resources cross-species dating seminars didn't have anything to do with flying. Sure, those jobs came with great health benefits, but they were boring. Cobryn just wanted to fly.
Although, right now, the prospect of health insurance seemed pretty enticing.
"Dammit, I need more speed," Cobryn urged.
Quig barked a laugh as his tiny clawed fingers danced over the bridge's engineering console. "The power core has taken so much damage it's a miracle I've still got life support working. This is as fast as you're going to get."
It wasn't fast enough. The Chutoi shuddered as another another energy blast slammed into her hull.
Cobryn looked at the many, many warning lights blinking across the pilot console. It was almost hypnotizing. Minimal thrust, pitch and yaw control... he might as well be flying a rock.
"There go the last of our shields," Sahara complained. "I'm open to ideas here. Anyone got anything?"
"We've done considerable damage to the Garbools' flagship," said Striker. "More than I would have anticipated, honestly. However, the three Wolf Pack vessels have us surrounded and are closing the net. If we cannot outfly them—"
"I'm doing my best," Cobryn snapped. What he didn't say, what he knew everyone else already knew, was that his best wasn't going to be good enough.
The radio crackled to life. "Crew of the Chutoi, this is the Wolf Pack Fenris, Bronson speaking."
"I really hate that guy," mumbled Striker.
Bronson continued, "Don't worry; we're not going to shoot you out of the sky. I want you alive. I intend to make you my personal slaves."
"Death first!" shouted Sahara.
"He can't hear you," said Quig. "The microphones lost power minutes ago."
"Is slavery really the worst option right now?" Cobryn asked. "Death seems so... final."
Again, the Chutoi shuddered as the Fenris's gravity beam seized her. This proved to be the last straw for the power core. Its insulators shorted out, and the core's remaining energy was discharged as electrical feedback through the ship's systems delivering a nasty, numbing shock to Cobryn's hands.
"I suggest we prepare to be boarded," said Striker.
Cobryn rubbed his pained hands. Yes, he sure could go for some of that corporate health care.
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Monday 6 February 2023

Sahara leaned back on the bench and allowed herself a moment of self-satisfaction. Haze was pleased with their successful raid against the Wolf Pack slavers, and despite herself, she was pleased he was pleased.
Haze's computer-modulated voice continued from the speaker. "The remaining members of the Wolf Pack assumed the attack came from the Garbools and destroyed their primary weapons factory in revenge. And just like that, the once unassailable Three Families have been brought to their knees. There is only one more thing to be done...."
Sahara frowned at the sudden silence. "Did we lose the connection?"
"Not on our end," Quig answered from his seat beside the communicator. "The line is still open. Haze just stopped talking."
"Mid-sentence? That's not like him at all," said Striker. "His communiques always sound almost as though he is reading from a script."
"I've got a bad feeling about this," said Cobryn.
So did Sahara.
Haze returned. "I'm detecting ships tracking to your location. They appear to be.... Yes. It's the Families: Wolf Pack and Garbool ships. They must have tracked you somehow. They'll be at your headquarters within minutes. You must get out of there. Now!"
"This is very, very bad!" said Cobryn. "The Chutoi is no match for Three Families fighters."
In his irritatingly calm manner, Striker asked. "Should we stay here? The bunker is protected from direct bombardment."
Sahara started gathering her gear. "The bunker might be, but the Chutoi isn't. Haze is right. If we don't get out of here quickly, we're sitting ducks waiting for the Families to overrun us."
"Where are we going to go?" asked Quig, as he packed his drone.
"We'll worry about that when we're airborne."
The truth of the matter was that Cobryn was right: the Chutoi was a transport, not a fighter. It was slow and weak. If they were forced into a direct confrontation, they might as well be flying a coffin.
But as Sahara and the others hustled to the landing pad, she couldn't shake the feeling that Haze knew more than he had said. If everything had gone so well and the Families were really on their heels, why were the Wolf Pack and Garbools working together again? How had they found the bunker safehouse? And what was Haze's last task?
If by some miracle she survived this, she'd be sure to ask him face to face.
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Sunday 22 January 2023

Beware the rise of the machines.
Wordle #558 (December 29, 2022)
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Friday 18 November 2022

Cobryn watched helplessly from the control booth window as Bronson stepped over Striker One's limp body and faced Sahara. The Wolf Pack lieutenant wiggled his finger at Sahara in a "come hither" gesture. Sahara shook her head in refusal. The roaring crowd was eating it up.
"Do something," Cobryn urged.
"What?" asked Quig.
Quig's claws flew across the console, and Cobryn was relieved to see the arena floor around Bronson begin to rise, trapping the lizard man. Sahara hustled over to Striker One and began helping him to his feet. The crowd's roars faded and quickly returned as boos.
"You better hurry up and release the slaves from their pens," said Quig. "I don't think we have long."
Cobryn had already identified the slave pen master control, and it didn't take a computer genius like Quig to figure out which button freed them. It was helpfully labeled "Do not press this it frees the slaves!" Cobryn pressed it.
It didn't take long for someone to notice.
Somewhere outside the control room, an alarm went off. The Wolf Pack spectators began to flee the stadium, forgetting about Bronson, Sahara, and Striker One in their haste to confront a slave uprising. Cobryn didn't give them good odds: slaves outnumbered Wolf Pakers on this asteroid ten-to-one. The only way they could regain control was through the computers in this control booth.
"I've opened the arena doors for Sahara and Striker One," said Quig as he moved to the exit. "That's all we've got to do. We can meed the others at the ship and get off this forsaken rock."
"I'm right behind you," said Cobryn. He turned to the console Quig abandoned. Cobryn knew a thing or two about computers himself; if he could lock the computer down, the Wolf Pack was doomed. Fortunately, the computer system was idiot proof.
Cobryn gleefully pressed the "Y" button and was rewarded with a smiley face and timer counting down from five minutes. Once the countdown was complete, the computer would only be useful as a doorstop.
Quig was long gone by the time Cobryn got to the door. The sounds of combat and death screams echoed through the corridors, but the path leading out to the ship hanger looked clear. Cobryn punched the air in celebration. After the Corona's Light, it felt good to be ensuring the death of the right people for a change. Take that, slavers!
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Friday 4 November 2022

Quig tapped the shoulder of the Wolf Pack thug standing in the aisle beside him in the stands. "Excuse me, but I've got to get by you."
"What? Now? Why? Bronson's in the arena, and they trapped that murdering bitch between the floor tiles. The fight's just starting."
"Yes. It's very exciting. Even my bladder is excited."
Quig sighed. "I've got to take a piss."
"Why didn't you say so?" The thug finally moved out of his way, and Quig hustled out of the arena into the corridor. It was just as Haze had said; with everyone watching the fight, no one was watching the corridor. Even the thugs who usually stood guard outside the arena control room were gone.
Quig had almost finished setting up his defense drone to cover the hall when Cobryn finally arrived.
"Sorry about that," said Cobryn. "They wouldn't let me out of their sight until I lied about using the restroom."
"Great minds piss alike," Quig said.
Quig waved dismissively. "Don't worry about it. Do you have the keycard to the door?"
"Right here. I haven't tested it since I lifted it off that drunk last night. I hope it still works."
"We're about to find out." Quig drew a flashbang grenade from his pocket. "I'm ready when you are."
Cobryn nodded and inserted the pilfered card. The door unlocked and slid open automatically. Reflexively, the two control room operators turned to look and were immediately blinded by the flashbang. Cobryn rushed in and snapped slave manacles around one of the operators' wrists. Quig pointed a laser pistol at the other.
"Lower the floor tiles. Let Sahara out."
"I can't do that."
Quig pressed the laser's barrel against the operator's neck. "Wanna say that again?"
"N-no. But I don't have the controls to the floor. He does," the operator said, indicating his manacled partner.
Quig risked a glance out the booth window into the arena where Bronson appeared to be giving Striker One quite the beating. "We don't have time for this," he said, and brought the butt of the gun down on the operator's head, knocking him unconscious. Cobryn mimicked the action with his own pistol on the head of the manacled man, and Quig moved to look over the control console. As he would have expected in an arena run by idiots, it was pretty self-explanatory. He punched a few buttons and the floor began to lower, freeing Sahara. Not a moment too soon, from the look of it. Striker One was bleeding badly and had fallen to one knee. The crowd had begun chanting for Bronson to kill him.
"Do something," Cobryn urged.
"What?" asked Quig. His mind had gone blank. All he knew at that moment was that he desperately needed to pee.
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Monday 24 October 2022

Striker One paused to enjoy the sensation of the spectators cheering for him. Technically, they were cheering "Tiny Dong," the demeaning nickname the Wolf Pack slavers had given him while parading him naked from his cell to the arena's pre-fight armory. But Striker One wasn't programmed to be hung up on semantics (or the comparable size of his excretory system's external organ).
He looked down at the defeated elf lying in a pool of blood. The elf was still breathing, of course. Reasoning that they couldn't sell dead slaves, the Wolf Pack insisted that arena combatants not kill one another. That's why Striker One was fighting only with battery-powered battle gloves. The pool of blood didn't belong to the elf but its former companion, a dwarf. Sahara had broken the rules and blasted the dwarf into a red mist with an overcharged laser pistol.
"I hadn't meant for that to happen," said Sahara in her own defense.
Striker One knew Sahara was ruthless, but in this case he believed her. She wouldn't let her blood thirst jeopardize their mission. "You did what you had to do to defend yourself. That little guy hit hard."
"I hope the Wolf Pack sees it that way and still sends Bronson in."
"I'm sure they will, though I doubt he'll be in any mood to pull his punches."
Sure enough, when the loudspeaker announced the arrival of the next combatant, it was the eight-foot tall reptilian Wolf Pack lieutenant who entered the arena.
"Hmm. He doesn't look so tough," Sahara lied.
Striker One sized up his competition. The combatants in the first three rounds—aside from the now-deceased dwarf—had proven surprisingly underwhelming. Could Bronson really be that much tougher? They didn't even have to defeat him, only distract him long enough for Cobryn and Quig to free the other slaves. How difficult could that be?
The lizard-man flexed his clawed fingers around the hilt of his giant sword. "I'm sure you know your master's contract says that if you beat me, you get to go free," he said with a deep, sibilant voice. "What you may not know is that no one beats me. And I'll tell you why: I cheat."
At his words, the floor of the arena shifted. Formerly flat ground shot up ten feet, creating a wall around Sahara and sequestering Striker One with Bronson.
"But I don't want you to think that I'm a monster," said the Wolf Pack slaver. He dropped his sword on the ground. "Go ahead. Take the first hit."
Striker One didn't hesitate. He landed a right cross in what should have been the lizard-man's solar plexus. If it hurt the giant as much as it hurt Striker One's fist, the android might have a chance.
Bronson smiled a toothy grin. "My turn."
The spectators went nuts.
Striker One dug in his heels and wished Cobryn and Quig godspeed.
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