Showing 1 - 1 of 1 post found matching keyword: douglasville
Thursday 6 January 2011

Attention anyone who might find themselves in Douglasville, Georgia! My good friend Randy Fike has opened his latest business venture, Randyland, just in time to avoid the Christmas rush. If you need new cards and gaming supplies or old comics and action figures, Randy is your man.
Why, I was in Randyland just this week, and talk about a selection! I found a complete run of the three-issue Dune mini-series published by Marvel Comics in 1983. It's so old it's new again! Like any good friend, I left those comics on the shelf for the next lucky customers; I did't want to spoil the excitement for all the lucky girls and boys of Douglasville.
DISCLAIMER: Please note that I was NOT asked to design the sign for "Randyland Comic Books Gaming Toys." You may recall that I designed the sign for Randy's last business venture in Newnan in 2008, but not this one. But that's okay. I never could have come up with anything that cherry. Besides, I designed his website, which is about as much awesome as any one store needs.
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