Showing 1 - 1 of 1 post found matching keyword: danny white
Saturday 11 September 2010

While I'm on the subject of catalogs, do you notice anything odd about the cover to this catalog I received in the mail last week?
No? Maybe it's kind of hard at that resolution. Here, let me help; I've got an eye for this sort of thing. How about this?
Gee, whiz! What happened to that poor dog's toes? Look, I know that Uga VII is dead, so you can't get any new photographs of him. But there isn't exactly a shortage of images of him sitting on grass. Especially since this image is a photoshopped from a picture of... Uga VII sitting on grass.
These images are all the intellectual property of long-time Athens photographer Danny White. According to UGA, Mr. White has been the "official Uga portrait photographer since 1973." And so far as I can tell, he's taken some pretty darn good pictures of some damn good dogs. On first glance, you might think that this is one of them. Seems like someone disagrees with you, though.
Granted, there are a few unsightly wrinkles in Uga's custom Nike jersey. And his right eye is looking a little lazy. And he's got some grass hanging out of his mouth. But none of that explains why someone 'shopped in some li'l doggy toes!
Don't just take my word for it, see for yourself here against the original:
Mouse over/off this swf to control your own seizure.
If you really like this image -- the photoshopped one, not the original -- you can pick up your own copy as a handy refrigerator magnet available at (For reasons unexplained, the magnet image is slightly different than either of the other two!) However, be warned: you'd better be prepared to explain to your observant guests why you have a picture of a dog with fake feet.
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