Showing 1 - 1 of 1 post found matching keyword: cheever
Monday 25 January 2010

When I implemented comments at the end of last week only to absent-mindedly fail to direct the comments form submissions to the appropriate insert script, my dear friend Matt Cheever was kind enough to ridicule my failure. Turns out that Matt has recently started his own blog over at, and wouldn't you know it, but I discovered this weekend that I couldn't leave any comments on his blog, either. Seems that turnabout is fair play, Matt.
Rest assured that Matt claims he has solved the problems (Blogger "permissions," or some such rot, he told me), and you can now comment as freely on his drivel as you can on mine. Which, at this exact moment, stands at 2 comments in 2 days. Not bad for a blog with 11 readers, I say.
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