Showing 1 - 7 of 7 posts found matching keyword: cedar point
Saturday 8 February 2020

Enough politics. It's time to dance!
Those of you who know what this is know why it's here.
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Saturday 24 August 2013

Mom won 4 tickets to visit Cedar Point during the 2013 season in a Coca-Cola sweepstakes. She gave the tickets to me, and I gave the tickets to a friend as a wedding present on the condition that he take me along. He decided not to use them. His loss. My friend Coop and I decided that we weren't going to let good tickets go to waste, so we jumped in the car and made a week long road trip of it.
My last two Cedar Point trips were in 2012 and 2010. My first was in 2000, before I had a blog. This trip lasted 2 days longer than that one, but because of the free tickets, I think I spent about the same. I'm not getting older. I'm getting wiser!
This sign in Cartersville, Georgia, looked terrible. (But effective. We immediately stopped for a 6-pack of Coke.)
Dublin, Ohio, is serious about public art and water fountains. Ballantrae Park has both. (Better pics and details here).
This polar bear reflects on global warming as he spends a 90° day at the Columbus Zoo. Not an iceberg in sight!
Why a 2-hour detour to the Hard Rock Cafe in Cleveland, Ohio? Because we didn't have anything better to do.
The T-Rex at the front gate of Cedar Point is another year older and another year shittier.
Gatekeeper is the new ride at Cedar Point for 2013. It gets its name because the track goes over the ticket booth.
Gatekeeper steals the headlines, but the important change in 2013 is that you can now get a Coke at Cedar Point! Whoo-hoo!
That's just the first 3 days. More to come.
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Monday 28 May 2012

For the Memorial Day weekend, Trey took Leslie and me to Ohio. Our first stop was Sandusky's Cedar Point amusement park, still the most awesome place on Earth. Trey and Leslie had never been before, and I'm sure they enjoyed themselves as much as I did. For the record, I'm not getting too old for this.
As I did for my last visit to the park in 2010, here's a trip summary in postcard-sized chunks:
The new "ride" in 2012 is "Dinosaurs Alive!", the old riverboat retooled with dinosaur animatronics replacing animal animatronics.
Magnum heads up its lift hill into the clouds.
The Midway as seen from a shady picnic table behind the Dodgem pavilion.
New since last visit: Pink's on the Midway.
A last look at the Millennium Force before nightfall.
Passing by the remains of the Wildcat. The space is being cleared for an outdoor "Luminosity" laser show.
After we left Sandusky, we headed south to Columbus, Trey's real destination. More on that later.
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Saturday 3 July 2010

Welcome back, those of you who avoided Superman Month. You're just in time for a slide show of my summer vacation!
Wait, come back! I can't afford to lose any more readers! Fine, no slides! How about if I just post some pictures I took of Cedar Point instead? You can pretend that they are postcards! Ok? Whew. Crisis averted.
In case you are unaware, Cedar Point is an amusement park on the Ohio shore of Lake Erie. Cedar Point is the second oldest existing amusement park in America, and it is home to more roller coasters than any other amusement park in the world. This year's semi-annual pilgrimage marked the 10-year anniversary of my first trip to the park for the unveiling of Millennium Force, at the time the tallest and fastest coaster in the world. I would like to hope that I have aged as well as that coaster.
Giant Wheel and Wicked Twister define the shore of Lake Erie as seen from Space Spiral.
Millennium Force crests its second-tallest hill as seen from the Cedar Point & Lake Erie Railroad.
(Footnote: This image was taken by my friend Michael Foster, though it was my camera so I am taking credit for it.)
Max Air proves that good parks don't need 6 flags.
View of Dodgem bumper car pavilion with inset of sign lit for night.
Sky Ride passes by Raptor as seen from the Midway at dusk.
Composite view of Wildcat, the greatest little coaster in the park.
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| Leave a Comment | Tags: amusement parks cedar point friends mike ohio vacationWednesday 21 May 2003

I was so looking forward to returning from Ohio to get to work on a shockwave animation I've been working on in addition to updating the D and D pages. But instead I've caught a cold -- did I mention the 5 hour line in frigid wind for the Top Thrill Dragster? -- and all I'm looking forward to now is sleep. NyQuil is my friend.
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Tuesday 20 May 2003

Back from Ohio. The Top Thrill Dragster is all it's cracked up to be. Damn. If you get a chance, go for it; it's quite a rush. (Once you get past the recurring technical ''reasons'' and LONG lines, I mean.)
And the Matrix was excellent. I've said it before and I'll say it again: keep your expectations low and you won't be disappointed. It was the best action film ever. (In fact, we decided that it's the best JLA film ever made.)
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Wednesday 14 May 2003

I'm off to Cedar Point in Ohio. Top Thrill Dragster beckons me.
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