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I helped a friend do some work around his house last week, and I spotted this, the tumbler he uses to hold his 6-year-old daughter's juice.

Normally, when I see this sort of thing, I'm left wondering what the owner could be thinking. However, I've known Randy long enough to know that this isn't a thoughtless accident. He probably gets a kick out of watching his little girl suck shit.
I suppose if you have a child, you get to decide what to do with it. Kids are just pets that can talk!
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*tags may accurately represent this post children friends fuck you america internet piles of shit randy Bill Ingram
You would know about pets that cannot talk. Either you kick them when someone other’s pets are underfoot, or you accept your own dogs no matter how often they are “underfootâ€. And they were always underfoot. How do you decide which dogs you viciously kick, and which ones, of your own, you grace with their omnipresent interference in the walking paths of a normal home? I liked your dogs. I did not care for their unquestioned acceptance as a necessary obstructive presence in a home. You did not care for Chewey. Ergo, your kicks and yelling, and your obvious celebration at his demise. I await your lame defense, and your mother’s defensive justification of your existence.
But, then, you eventually kick and yell at everyone whom you fear, FEAR, is invading your space. Ask your brother.
Yeah, yeah, I'm a shitty person.
I really don't know what I did to you to earn all this animosity, Bill. I assume that you resent my presence on this planet because you imagine that I did something to interfere with your relationship with my mother. (It couldn't possibly have anything to do with her discovering your own delightful personality, could it?) Whatever the case, nothing you can say to me can hurt more than my brother behaving as though I don't exist anymore. How about you follow his example? I promise to act like it bothers me.
Not sure I like the set of tag words you got there. I feel personally hurt by this and I think I will spend too much of my time and energy commenting on your posts and such until I look like a wacko that your mom is lucky to have out of her life.
I'd be glad to have you out of Mom's life, Randy. When she found out I helped you put in those shelves, she had me put in a shelf for her. Less work all around if you'd be a gentleman and walk away now.