Showing 1 - 10 of 54 posts found matching keyword: great deer uprising of 2010
Saturday 2 November 2024

If you aren't familiar, American Hunter is an National Rifle Association publication promoting hunting in America. Usually, it has a deer on the cover. Which is why I found the latest cover model so surprising.
That's right, a magazine that exists to explicitly promote gun use has a cover image of a man who has just been shot with a gun.
Are they trolling? If this was on the Internet, I would assume it was a troll, an intentionally provocative image designed to "pown the libtards." Except that this magazine is distributed not to the general public of potential snowflakes but to card-carrying NRA members (like my father, which is how I ended up with a copy).
This is the same thing as Home Depot having a sales catalog with a cover showcasing Paul Pelosi after getting hit in the head with a hammer or the ASPCA soliciting donations with a brochure highlighting a child mauled by a pit bull. Misguided at best, counterproductive at worst.
It's gotta be a troll, right?
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Tuesday 26 December 2023

Dr Cory Anderson recently earned his doctorate studying with Osterholm, focusing on pathways of CWD transmission. “We’re dealing with a disease that is invariably fatal, incurable and highly contagious. Baked into the worry is that we don’t have an effective easy way to eradicate it, neither from the animals it infects nor the environment it contaminates.â€
Once an environment is infected, the pathogen is extremely hard to eradicate. It can persist for years in dirt or on surfaces, and scientists report it is resistant to disinfectants, formaldehyde, radiation and incineration at 600C (1,100F).
Great. The deer have turned to biological weapons and suicide missions. Is there no atrocity they won't commit? I saw we nuke them all now before it's too late for all of us.
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Sunday 26 November 2023

"Since October, 100 emergency calls have come in, Conroy said, with 81 of those involving vehicles crashing into an animal or a dead deer in the roadway. There were seven incidents of deer caught on a fence, eight responses to calls on injured deer and one incident of two deer fighting, the chief said."
Obviously, that begs the question: who, exactly, were those two deer fighting?
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Thursday 2 November 2023

The day before Halloween, my mother's boyfriend fell out of a deer stand. He would insist I call it a "deer lodge," but you probably don't know what that is, and I don't want you thinking that it was anything like an Elk Lodge. There's one of those down the street, and I can attest that they are comparatively painless to fall out of.
The "lodge" was 20 feet up in a tree, and he broke both shoulder blades, six ribs, eight vertebrae, and his pelvis. He's alive and expected to recover, but that's still a lot of hurt. He's a pretty smart guy, a former Eagle Scout, with plenty of experience in deer "lodges," so it's surprising that something like this would happen to him.
I told this to friend Randy, and he said, and I quote, "Your blog must be getting to them for them to strike so close to home."
As usual, Randy's right.
I suspect Mom's boyfriend has spent his last night in a deer "lodge," but that doesn't mean that you've won, deer. The war is not over. This attack against my friends and family will be avenged!
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Thursday 6 July 2023

Expert advice:
Take wildlife crossing signs seriously; moderating your speed gives you more time to react. Stay alert and don't get distracted. If it looks like you're about to hit a deer,
don't swerve.
Chad Stewart, "Deer Collisions," AARP Bulletin, June 2023, Volume 64, Number 5, Page 11 (emphasis in original)
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Sunday 4 June 2023

In the middle of the afternoon, I had to stop my car in the road to let two deer cross in a md dash for the woods. They had been frightened by a car coming the other way. As I watched them run for cover, it occurred to me that they were probably right to be frightened, as humans are their primary predator.
There are estimated to be 30 million deer in the United States, and roughly 5 million of them are killed each year by humans. By comparison, there are 340 million humans in the United States, and roughly 120 of them are killed each year by deer. Those numbers certainly work out in our favor.
On the other hand, consider that nearly 75,000 humans are killed each year by a human (including suicides). We also happen to be our own primary predator.
You're 625 times more likely to be killed by a human than a deer. Oh, my.
Maybe running for the woods isn't such a terrible idea.
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Tuesday 16 May 2023

In late December, the power in my neighborhood was out for days. In late March and April, it was out for a few hours. As I type this by candlelight, we're on hour 5 of the latest outage.
I don't understand why this keeps happening. If it's trees falling on power lines, why are we allowing any trees to remain near the lines? If it's old transformers, can't we predict failure and start replacing them?
Or maybe the problem is more insidious.
You know who loves it when the neighborhood is dark? Deer!
I'm on to you, you bastards.
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Tuesday 16 August 2022

"Newton County man gored by buck in his backyard," reads the headline at (WGCL).
A man appears to be wielding a broomstick at the deer to ward it off. Seconds later, the deer charges at the man and pins him down. The video pans out for a split second before showing the man laying on the ground.
It sounds like a scene from a Stephen King movie, but that's their description of a Facebook video shared by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division. Warns the GDNRWRD:
"[I]f you observe tame or pet deer, please contact the Law Enforcement Division.... While you may hesitate to call due to the potential for the animal to be euthanized, please know that you are doing the right thing."
Longtime readers of don't need that warning. We know that if we see what looks like a "tame" deer, what we're really looking at is a domestic-ated terrorist.
You're going to get what's coming to you, Bambi!
Bury him under the jail, fellas.
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Tuesday 8 March 2022

All has been quiet on the Great Deer Uprising front for the past year. You might think that means the war is over, but you'd be wrong. The deer have just been preoccupied building WMDs.
From The New York Times:
Scientists have identified a new, highly mutated version of the coronavirus in whitetailed deer in southwestern Ontario, one that might have been evolving in animals since late 2020.
They also found a similar viral sequence in one person in the area who had close contact with deer, the first evidence of possible deer-to-human transmission of the virus.
The 1925 Geneva Convention specifically bans biological weapons in warfare, but deer never signed the damn thing!
He is wearing this mask for his protection, not yours!
Hey, humanity. If we can't start pulling together, those hooved bastards are going to take us out. And the worst part is I'll be dead and unable to say "I told you so."
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Tuesday 8 December 2020

Per the United Press Syndicate:
Nov. 25 (UPI) -- A hunter in the Czech Republic was charged by a deer that snagged the man's gun on its antlers and fled into the woods with the weapon, police said.
Police said another hunter reported spotting a deer with a rifle dangling from its antlers more than half a mile from the scene.
Investigators said the hunter was required to report the loss of the rifle under the Czech Republic's Firearms and Ammunition Act.
I'm not going to lie; it's kind of comforting to know that not *everything* has gone upside down in 2020.
The Great Deer Uprising: continuing unabated since 2010.
"Hunter Holding A Rifle Looks Peevishly At A Deer" by Edward Koren
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