Tuesday 18 August 2015

Movies watched in July, Part 2 of 3:
126. (873.) Sahara (1943)
In this Sahara, Tank commander Humphrey Bogart and his motley team of Allied soldiers hold out against Axis forces in the North African desert. It's a suspenseful war film that I'd recommend without reservation.
127. (874.) Sahara (2005)
In this Sahara, Matthew McConaughey charms his way across the North African desert searching for lost Confederate treasure. The movie is generally a silly action film that's a lot of fun until the absurdity of the villains' motivations overwhelm the plot in the third act. Mildly recommended.
128. (875.) Sahara (1983)
In this Sahara, Brooke Shields competes in an all-male automobile race across the North African desert until she is captured by the natives and forced into slavery. Fun fact: Lambert Wilson played the villain in the 2005 Sahara, but he's the male love interest here. While that fact might be fun, this movie is not. Avoid at all costs.
129. (876.) Dark Passage (1947)
Bogart and Bacall! Need I say more? I hope not, because the attraction between their characters in this movie is, at best, poorly explained. Still, their screen chemistry sizzles.
130. (877.) The Killers (1946)
Like many noir crime films, I found this movie to be difficult to get into in the beginning but impossible to stop watching once it got rolling. That may be because so much of the early going is told in flashback. By the end, when things are playing out in the "present," it was really attention-grabbing.
131. (878.) Big Hero 6 (2014)
I cannot express how disappointed I was in this movie. I'd heard such good things, but it's really, really shallow, even for a kid's movie. It's almost as bad as Frozen. I'm starting to think I should stop watching all Disney animated movies if this is the quality of film they are putting out. (Wreck-It-Ralph was so good, but now this?)
132. (879.) Border Incident (1949)
I typically like noir crime films when they dress themselves up as docudramas, but this pseudo "true story" about law enforcement hunting illegal farm workers in Southern California was just too slow and dry. I didn't hate it, but I'm sure I don't have the patience or interest to watch it again.
More to come.
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