Wednesday 3 October 2012

You may have noticed that I skipped two numbers on Monday's list. That's because I wanted to highlight those two films:
218. Thunderbirds Are GO (1966)
219. Thunderbird 6 (1968)
I think I met most of the Thunderbirds television episodes when they aired on Tech TV about a decade ago. I'd seen the live-action film adaptation in 2004, but I had no idea that there were two SuperMarionation movies that were just as oddly paced and bizarre as the tv-show. These films contain all the eclectic elements that that Team America: World Police (also 2004) was parodying, including pointless international terrorism, awkward romance between puppets, and unabashed melodrama.
Thunderbirds are GO!... to bed?
As I said, the pacing is bad, but that's what DVR's are for, right? I caught them on consecutive Saturday mornings on TCM, and I would recommend them to the young at heart in a heartbeat.
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