Wednesday 3 November 2010

In the past 10 days, I've watched the following movies in the following order:
- MacGruber (awesomeness in a film)
- X the Unknown (I started it thinking it was a Quatermass film. It isn't.)
- The Rocky Horror Picture Show (the only movie on this list that I had seen before)
- When in Rome (Kristen Bell: 'nuff said)
- The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (predictable but captivating)
- The Color of Magic (as funny as the book)
- Ong Bak 2: The Beginning (great action, lackluster story)
- Gamer (oh, so terrible)
- A Town Called Panic (delightfully absurd)
- The Girl who Played with Fire (not as good as its predecessor)
- Lucas (the football scenes are laughably unrealistic)
Between Rocky Horror and When in Rome, I started The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus, but I just couldn't get into it. Terry Gilliam movies typically look great and are too long. I learned a long time ago that if I can't get into a Gilliam movie early, it's best to bail before I've wasted too many hours. This one had so much incongruous cgi up-front, distracting from the awesome make-up and stage sets, that I decided to cut my losses at the 20 minute mark.
Also I had planned on watching The Losers before Gamer, but I instead watched the UGA vs. Florida game and got my fill of losing another way. Unfortunately, I also lost by watching Gamer, a pitifully stupid and stale remake of The Running Man.
This entire time I've been watching movies on Netflix, TCM, and FMC, the DVD of the remake Hairspray has been sitting on my kitchen table. Poor, unloved Hairspray.
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